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Care in Haslemere was founded in 1978 as a local Good Neighbour Scheme.
The Constitution states that the objectives are: 

“To undertake charitable voluntary work in social service and similar charitable activities amongst people in need thereof in the area of Haslemere and surrounding Districts”

Initially the aims were to provide emergency help in the home and provide services and transport for the relief of the elderly, disabled or sick.
Care no longer offers such comprehensive help as it is now provided by statutory organisations.  Also, current Health & Safety regulations and insurance issues make it unwise to do so.
Now Care almost exclusively operates to give lifts to local people in need, as outlined elsewhere on the website. Disabled clients must have a carer with them.
Another of the initial aims was to co-operate with other charities and organisations in the local area involved with similar work, and Care has continued to do this.
The Charity is run by a Committee elected at each AGM, a meeting that is open to the public.
Care is in the fortunate position of being financially sound, so is not in need of money.
What it does need is Volunteers...and that could be you.


Care in Haslemere Committee with Haslemere Town Mayor 2022-23, Cllr.  Jacquie Keen.

Committee with Mayor Aug 2022 800px.jpg

Our History

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